Adalo - 2024 and beyond

Hi all–by way of update we have been elbows deep in support and performance. I think it is fair to say we now have a clear path to significant performance upgrades.

There was a short outage three days ago that we followed all the way down to the root cause, and it has actually been a blessing because the fixes are actually very straightforward, and impact both speed and uptime. I’m really excited to get them done.

In short, the goal to 3x performance speed is looking more and more achievable.

I’ve been delighted with our efforts on the support front. Our goal is to get to five minute response times in US hours, and the team has rallied around that goal. Some have emailed letting me know we hit that for them. I hope others have seen a change.

To date, I’ve had over 190 calls with Adalo customers (and some other parties that jumped in on my calendly link). Calls with customers or App-interested folks has been incredible. In terms of understanding where Adalo is now, where it needs to get to and the path to tread–I don’t think there is a better way to understand that than by having conversation after conversation with Makers about their joys and sticking points. My calls run to the end of next week, and then I’m in Japan meeting some of my team and technical advisors face-to-face to go through all the feedback and whiteboard it all out beyond performance and support overhaul.

So I’ll have more to say at the end of October, but I’m committed to the following:

  • Increasing App performance by 3x at least.
  • Removing App Actions. There will need to be something around server costs, but be transparent and tiered.
  • Overhauling the current db functionality.
  • Deep linking :slight_smile:
  • Enabling significantly more API integrations with Adalo.
  • Enabling you to bring your own DB–such as Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle etc. It has surprised me how many backend devs are using Adalo that want to stick with the db they know.
  • A range of bugs that have been reported.
  • Getting back to Canny and our public roadmap!
  • Enabling code export (this will likely take time to enable because of current architecture, but it has to get done).

To everyone that has gotten on with me, thank you!

Will have more to say soon!