Car Collector Game Beta

That is a chip list. The problem is that is slow, and no click feedback, like a button

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Yeah just figured it out

Hmm that’s unfortunate, on mobile or web? It’s very clever tho!

Doesn’t appear slow for me on a PWA on iPhone 11 Pro, but the lack of visual click feedback is strange.

Nice to ear… But i tried this “trick” only on this game. When you have 10 cars to load, the chip list as filter is fast enough. But when you have 100+ more cars to filter that become so frustrating to use :rofl:

Hah yeah I can see that :slight_smile: wonder tho why the lack of button click feedback? :thinking:

Instagram is the same in the search, only the word changes color slightly. Guess it’s something the team has to extend on.

This is using apk on Android

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Thank you very much. Very similar to my device

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I think only the standard ‘button component’ has a spinning action and prevents you from clicking it twice.


Hello ! We added some gradient backgrounds, hope you like them ! They are from Coloors

Hello! New day, new features! We added a cool loading box screen

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That’s cool, I assume that’s a Lottie animation? And countdown timer to link to next screen?

Hey brother ! We tried with timer, but actually was not a good choice (glitches and bugs with Android native back button) so we built a procedure for opening box.
Each user has his own numerical procedure to open a new box.
When a user opens a Box trough the random picker button, the Procedure will be set to 3 (update logged in user - box procedure - 3) and then the loading screen is opened.
Lotties loading screen is visible only If user procedure = 3
When the Lottie (loading bar) finish his animation, it will trigger 2 conditional action : Set procedure to 1 if the random picker choose a new car, although set to 2 if the user already got that car. Those 2 layouts are conditionally visible based on procedure number so only the right one will be showed when the animation ends!
The last step is to set up logged in procedure to 0 before going back, to not show Lotties again (very ugly) and that’s done trough the sells buttons.

Why we did it ?? Because the random picker was so slow, triggering so many actions with one click. So we splitted all the actions and seems performing better. Is better to see a forever loading screen than an unpressed / locked button when connection is low or absent :slightly_smiling_face::wink::wink:

Hope to be useful for someone :ok_hand::point_up::pencil2:
I know you are already expert on this stuff :sweat_smile:


Hi all ! I created a simple personal website with and it looks good, also is free. I think that is the best builder for presenting your Adalo Apps portfolio :point_down::slightly_smiling_face:

What a fantastic, inspiring idea for an Adalo app. Thank you for sharing and good luck with the future of your idea.

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Thank you very much :blush: