Conditional visibility in lists

The app is about being able to play audios. Each audio has two versions, a long version and a short version. I don’t know if it’s possible but…

  1. I have a custom list of audios filtered by category (creativity, etc.)
  2. Right now it shows both the short and long version (since they are in database as separate audios)
  3. I want the user to initially only have the option to select the long version
  4. Then, once they listen to the long version, I want them to also have the option to select the short version.

Does anyone know how to make this happen?


When they perform the action to play the long version, also update a property within the user called “Played Long” (or something) and set it to true.

So you only show the short version is “Played Long” for that user is true.

Ok, let me give that a try. It will be my first time using that type of logic so we’ll see if I can make it work. I’ll let you know…and thanks :slight_smile:

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How do I tie the two versions (long/short) together so that the logic knows which video to display?

  1. I have 12 videos in the database.
  2. each one has a short and long version
  3. If I understand the above logic, Played Long will show up in the long version but how will it know to display the short version of the same audio?

I don’t understand what you are saying.

  • Build your list and put both tracks in the list
  • The short version has a visibility condition
  • That visibility condition is linked to the user’s property titled “Played Long”. This is a user’s boolean property (true/false).
  • If “Played Long” is true, then it’s visible
  • When the user taps to play the long version, add an action to that action that will also update the user’s property “Played Long” to true.

Otherwise, if “Played Long” is not true, the user will not see the short version.

So, there is a Long Version and a Short Version in the database. They have the same title but they are separate and not connected, correct?

So, when I update the Long Version to “Played Long” true, that only updates the Long Version…so, how will that impact the Short Version?

What am I missing?

You are missing the fact that I never said that the property “Played Long” is a property linked to the track.

It’s a property linked to the user listening to the tracks.

Under the user collection, create a property called “Played Long”. It’s a boolean property and now review the guides I provided earlier again.

Oh, I can see that you said “user property” about 6 times! Sorry I missed it. I’ll give it a try.

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How do I set a visibility condition for the short version?

Have you checked Adalo’s documentation?

They have an article for that.

Yes, I’ve changed visibility for other things but never within a list. The only visibility option I see is for the list, not for the video’s within the list. I’m probably missing something again, this is my first app so there is a lot that I don’t know.


You have to double-click on the list to reach each component.

On that same view, on the left bar, scroll down until you see components. Then you will be able to select each component, applying the visibility condition to the corresponding one.

OK, I’m getting there!

I’m still running into problems…

  • Build your list and put both tracks in the list (Done)

  • The short version has a visibility condition (if I set the visibility condition in the list conditions, it only changes the visibility of the condition, not the video itself…so all the videos are still visible).

  • That visibility condition is linked to the user’s property titled “Played Long”. This is a user’s boolean property (true/false).(Done)

  • If “Played Long” is true, then it’s visible (would this not apply to the short version of every video, not just the short version of the specific video?)

  • When the user taps to play the long version, add an action to that action that will also update the user’s property “Played Long” to true. (Done)

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