Custom list actions very slow

I have a button in Adalo with 4 conditional actions. Here’s what happens:

  1. For the current user, the value of showanswertest is set to 0.
  2. I want to move the Current Post between lists based on specific conditions. Regardless of the condition, the Current Post should always be removed from the Today list first. Then, the following actions take place:
  • Condition 1: If Level1Post contains the Current Post, remove it from Level1Post, move it to Level2Post, and also add it to TodayPlus3.
  • Condition 2: If Level2Post contains the Current Post, remove it from Level2Post, move it to Level3Post, and also add it to TodayPlus4.
  • Condition 3: If Level3Post contains the Current Post, remove it from Level3Post, move it to Level4Post, and also add it to TodayPlus5.
  • Condition 4: If Level4Post contains the Current Post, remove it from Level4Post and move it to CompletedPost.

The entire logic is built using custom lists, but the process is very slow. Is there a more efficient way to handle this in Adalo? Any tips for optimizing the logic or performance?

watching. . . because I also have something like this and would love to find a better way.

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