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Experimental Feature

FAQ Chat Bot

This FAQ user can reply using simple instructions, it can give more information to users according to the content in its collection.

This is still in development and may or may not come into the light, depending testing later on.

But this kind of example is showing that Adalo can sustain heavy logic and complexity, the resulting app may not have the best UX according to tech giants’ standard, but as long as it does the job and we can control it, it serves the purpose. :grinning:

Adding to my experience, Adalo screen can send at least 5 nested collections to other screen, so no need to worry about if we can accumulate total or doing other analytics, some old posts mentioned this carry-on collections can span to few tens of screens, and if something cut-off, another workaround can reestablish the link, so that can enable us to build shortcut app (which is no code is good at) with more flexibility, and later fix it whenever we feel it is time to do it.

This can happen, because Adalo makes the right foundation when it establishes its engine, combined with relationship database, it is very powerful tool, but every tool need a skill to use it, brute force learning is not a kind of activity that can last long, it may have some value in exam at training center or school, but seldom make it to solve real problem.

Since database is more advanced than spreadsheet and spreadsheet is better than logical words, which come from abstract words. It is better to do steps rather than jumping to database directly, skipping all the necessary things.

Thank you Adalo for giving and showing that making it right can bring result, this can enable a lot of hopes in the making.

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