Preview issues from phone to PC - fields don't populate

I built an app for a mortgage loan estimate and it works fine on the Adalo preview on my computer but when I run it on my phone using the preview link, the fields are not populating on the estimate screen.

I have it setup as 3 screens.
Screen 1. The user input screen with a submit button. - (The inputs then flows to Screen 3)
Screen 2. The estimate screen that shows all the final calculations from Screen 3
Screen 3. A calculations screen that holds all the math calculations.

Any idea why the phone is not reading the calculations screen? Is it something to do with how the browser memory works on phones maybe? It works fine on my computer preview. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

We need more info to help you.

A screen recording (I recommend Loom) would help.

Additionally, you could share the link to the app so we can test locally.

Well, for me calculations don’t work on the desktop as well :slight_smile:


@epizarro is it possible to add a video of what you see and another video showing your setup and database like Charles mentioned?

What’s the action is on the Submit button?

The submit button action takes you to the estimate page. All the fields are populated by filling out the form

Hmm… That’s weird! Did you try removing the inputs from the formulas and adding them again? If not work maybe giving access for your app to check this? ( you can click the gear icon > app access section and add this email : )

You are now added to access


Check again! I think there’s a issue that when adding inputs on another screen that they not show. Maybe Submit a Support Ticket! What I did was I copied them all to this screen and added them from magic text!

Just to confirm you copied the page and shrunk it all down here?



Thank you

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Ithought that I was making mistakes, but aparentlly they’re not working at all

Hi @epizarro ,

You might want to merge those screens into 1 screen, play with visibility, these input fields are still in the same browser page, so it should persist.

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