

Hello Everyone…

A few things about myself…

I have been involved with Databased PC Software for over 25 years… first programs made with Lotus Approach… which despite its age… I still think is the best of all databased Application Software… But now long discontinued after 2011…

Following that…

Delphi and all current Delphi’s (Rad etc.)…

But what I am best known for all over the World today… is my 3D Models…

I have used over the years most 3D software… (Sculptris… Corel Dream… and the more popular etc… but the best is “SketchUp” and I have a Portfolio on 3D Warehouse (sketchup’s showcase under. . MylynPoddley ) that has over 700+ 3D models that I have made… Covering a good range of subjects and many tutorials to help beginners… Shoes and Railway are popular with over a million downloads and plenty of likes… and a total of over 3+ million downloads overall…

But… Enough now of me Blowing my own trumpet…

I live in England… in the Lake District of Cumbria… and married to Mike my husband for 32 years… who also is excellent designer and program maker…

I have been looking around for over a year now for a mobile Builder that saves me messing with Delphi scripts… and finally almost giving up… came across this one… “Adalo”… and I can tell you this… Whoever designed it has left nothing out… so whatever stage you are in the app developing skills… “Adalo” seams to cover it… (when you think you can not go any further with it… you find you can)…

So… There you have it…

My Best Regards to you All…

Lyn Poddley

Poddley Tale’s Euro