Advanced charts integrations (Pie, Radar, Polar..)

Thanks, the only way i am currently seeing is pretty full of “AdaloApp <-> My Server <-> PingPong” workarounds - and that is obviously pretty inefficient. :wink:

like “getting all user data via API to get the ELEMENT ID” from the specific user from my external server, returning the Element ID to Adalo, make a second request to my server, which is fetching all “weight data” matching the users Element ID and put them into a string (datas seperated with “,”) and than switch to the screen with the graph on it.

I also tried to make a “Bulk-URL” following your Trick: Bulk update records tutorial here. Like “Countdown timer ends → add current list value + last value” on that URL-data-set. but that also doesn’t work (it strangely excludes the first 2 and the last records)