Hey guys, any form of analytics to see user behaviour available?
I think there is Mixpanel to understand user behaviors
Is there an integration available?
I think there is no extension but you can insert your mixpanel token under settings of your app
Great, Ill try and get back to you.
Got mixpanel inserted, any clue about how to add events?
You can set those up in Mixpanel I think based on the view name etc.
Hey, i got mixpanel to work and now I can see users logged. But I can’t find a way to record events. Any clues?
Check you id code that you pasted in to the mix panel field in Adalo. make sure it’s all there with no extra spaces at the beginning or end?
I’d look at the Retention screen first I think - you should see users per day there at least. If that is there , then it’s probably a matter of taking some time on the MixPanel forums / trainings to figure out the rest.
Hey @TonyD, great.
I’ve done some research and found that to be able to record events i should be also able to send them to mixpanel. My question is just about that, how to do code injections or identify user navigation in adalo using mixpanel.
Past my level of knowledge now. Will need to learn about that or see if someone else can chime in to help. @grid7 did you do anything like this?
There’s not currently a way to add custom js in nAdalo to my knowledge. The native MixPanel integration where you specify your token automatically runs the identify() function on login. It logs standard events with button clicks and back button, etc. I don’t know a way to specify custom events. Maybe a question for @Ben
Hi Folks!
I also added a Mixpanel Token in my Adalo app. It’s bee a few days already and I still don’t have any data in Mixpanel.
What do you think we need to setup in Mixpanel side?
Thank you!
@joeyology Mixpanel events aren’t logged if you are running the preview in the editor or view the previewer.adalo.com url.
Hi @Ben , Yeah I’ve read about that. However, it’s been days already and I’m pretty sure I’m opening my app not in preview mode. However, it seems like a I have to setup something on Mixpanel? Please see image below. Thank you!