Difficulties connecting to Servers on Builder

Hii everyone!

Captura de pantalla 2024-12-18 090527

“We’re having difficulties connecting to our server…”

Is someone experiencing this error message showing constantly on the Builder?

With every move I made on the Builder, the screen froze and the error message showed up, but every time. With just a zoom or simple drag the error shows up.


Hi there.

Yes, It’s something that I’ve intermittently experienced on Adalo since I started using it a few months ago. However over the past 6 days or so it has been pretty bad. Right now everything I’m doing in the builder does not seem to reflect on to the app. So today it has been worse than usual. The “Aw snap” page has been haunting me like crazy as well. I sent a support ticket to Adalo and I was basically told the issue is on my side even though the Adalo status page reflects issues over the past few days. Furthermore I was told to clear y history and cache, but no help in doing that as the problem is still persisitant.

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Ever since theses updates. . . . It’s been a nightmare with the editor. It’s really slow, lagging a lot, and keeps giving me this message too.

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Today, for example, I worked a full hour and it was never updated, it was never saved… when I logged in it seemed like I hadn’t done anything! Terrible!

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Is it even worth it to rebuild it without knowing if it will be saved

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Yees! Exactly it’s happening more lately with these system updates, right?

And it’s not saving any work done while the error is on the screen.
Navigating the builder is super frustrating.

Does anyone know something about this?

Yup me too…some screens I copied yesterday were there last night but when I checked now…its gone.

Today it is getting really hard to work on the Builder.
Really getting worse than yesterday and it is not saving none of the modifications done on apps.

Maybe it is a location thing? Someone outhere from Latino America? I’m from Argentina.

My app lost all collection data. Initially it had problems with the drop-down list. Now all the data is gone.

That is probably a temporary inability to connect with the servers, right @CH_Team ?

It would be catastrophic if Adalo started loosing makers data.

@marcelinopsilva You are on a Paid Plan?

I read something that you have to take action on databases on Free Plan because they are going to delete this data. You have to move to a MAINTENANCE Plan.

I don’t know about this because I’m on a Premium Plan.
If you are on a Paid Plan, maybe it’s the same server error. I didn’t experience anything with data deletion.

Hi all, I appreciate that it has been a little bumpy lately. Just know that we are overhauling a lot at the moment and making progress on all four fronts, so to speak. There is going to be some intermittent issues (I believe the issues discussed in this thread are now resolved? Ping me if not (james.crennan@adalo.com).

We’re almost through all of these updates, and we have a code pause that become effective today. We’ll be monitoring infrastructure over the break, but again these updates are needed to deliver performance improvements. Our team takes everyone’s data and responsiveness extremely seriously, and we’ll continue to tread as carefully as we can. But these improvements must happen–my >260 conversations with Makers proved that.


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@james.crennan Hii james!

I’m still experiencing this. Same error message and froze builder screen.
Just with a dragging or zooming action, the error shows up.

I’m on a support ticket currently, providing all the info and screenshots I can.

Let me know If I can do anything else to help you guys.

Anyone else experiencing more issues? This makes me really worried as we are launching one of our apps in January and it seems like a really bad time to get issues.

I was just getting an “Internal Server Error” generic issue while in the previewer mode testing out features.

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Don’t worry Sir. As James said this storm has to come and we’re all in it. So take care, take time , enjoy Christmas time and as soon as possible I think it will be just a nightmare.

Go on .


Published apps are fine, its just the editor. I see it too when I move a new screen to the intended location, builder freezes. I just let it sit for a minute or two & it reconnects. Things are slow but it is a bitter pill we need to take for better performance in the long run. Enjoy the holidays, spend time with family…in the meantime!

Hii everyone!

Any news on this? Still facing the same issue. It’s getting very difficult to work on apps.

Happy new year to everyone!!

Yes, I just tried to move a new screen into position & builder froze. Giving it awhile as I write this. Things should get better after the holidays

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Hi all, I know I’m a bit late commenting into this thread, but this should be resolved temporarily while we implement a larger fix. The issue lies in our infrastructure (and likely many other companies’ infrastructure) connecting to Apple. Apple appears to have made some internal changes involving the amount of time a session remains active when deploying an iOS build, we’re working to update our system accordingly and expect a permanent fix will be deployed shortly.