Help for Stripe payment

Hi all,

I created a free app to help others. I’m including ads as a way to make up some of the money I paid to publish it. I also wanted to include a stripe option, where if someone wants they can choose to “tip” whatever amount that they would like. It’s completely voluntary. How do I go about doing this? I can’t figure it out!

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my question.

Just drop a Stripe Payment component on a screen.

The payment amount is dynamic so you could have a slider or preset buttons for differing amounts.

You could also host a buymeacoffee page in a webview component.

Hello, you can just set up your Stripe account, and once it’s ready you can just connect it to the Stripe component and it’s ready. Then you can add an input for the users to write the amount and connect it to the component.

Thank you!
Ali Bazzi

Hi Ali-Bazzi,

So I have connected it, but I’m confused as to what input I need to write. I can’t figure out the formula. Can you please help?

Thank you.

Thank you. I am going to go with the Buy Me a Coffee option.

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