As @dilon_perera mentioned and explained for your first case, you need to use formulas for this.
For second case, formulas need to be a bit more tricky. To convert 7520.74 to 7500 or 7585.76 to 7600, try using the following:
ROUND(value / 100) * 100
This is a 2-step logic:
“internal” formula rounds up or down your value divided by 100. So for 7520.74 it will be ROUND (7520.74 / 100) = ROUND (75.2074) = 75.
For 7585.76 it will be ROUND (7585.76 / 100) = ROUND (75.8576) = 76.
And then on the 2nd step you simply multiply this by 100.
I still has a lot of question but I don’t want to spam the forum.
can someone help me about the Date Picker. I have 3 input date picker but the second and third Date Picker allow user to choose time that before the first Date Picker. Also I can’t display it in 24hours format. (there has no choice to choose)
As far as I’m aware we can’t add filters for date pickers. This could be a feature request! If you need it I think as a workaround you need to build your own one using some collections. Check the Yongki’s Komum template
For the format you mean show that format on the date picker?
Show that date in 24 format in a text component right? You can add the text component and add that property from magic text and then you can click on the added value and you will get a formatting dropdown that you can select this format! ( Only get that dropdown if it’s a date or date and time property )