Impossible to get into Adalo

Hi guys, we are trying to get into our Adalo profile but it says that the credentials are not correct, is there any issue ini the servers? Additionally when trying to get into the App it sends a message saying this : PROBLEM FETCHING ACTIONS BLOCKAGE

Can you please help me because my team is having problems in the operations
Tks a lot for your soon response

There is currently and outage. Its not just you and everyones apps are doing the same things. The adalo team is working hard to get the system back app as soon as possible.

Even me

My team blaming on this issues

Does anybody has news from the Adalo team for this issue?

Now it allow to login

Now it’s oky

We have been working to get this resolved.

We have been responding in this thread.

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This should be fixed now. If not, please send a If you have any issues or concerns, please reach out to our team by submitting a support ticket here: Adalo | Support Ticket.