Hi all,
I am building an ordering app which the users will be able to order food from shops but the shops should be able to set specific pick-up time for their orders for each day of the week.
I purchased the NoCodeMonkey Time-Picker component and I created a collection with the days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc.) and the shop owners can select their pick-up time using this Time-Picker for each day of the week.
However, I face the below issues:
I have two Time-Picker components in a list of days (Monday, Tuesday etc.) and the user can select From and Until pick-up time for each day in the list. The selections are saved correctly however, when the user returns to this same screen the selections shown are not the same as the ones already selected.
Also, in another application I want the shops in a list to be shown only if they are open in this specific day (which is selected from the abovementioned list through a toggle button). However, because the selected days are in the form of a collection, I cannot make a filter with these selections.
Maybe there is a better way to achieve the above using different components that I have not thought of. If someone can help with that would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,