List not displaying Magic Text

I am building an app - but it seems that one of the text field is not displaying when I use the “magic text”. It was working fine the last few days. Is anyone else having the same issues and managed to fix this?

It happened to me, the issue may be from your database, or from adalo!

Oh dear! Perhaps it’s Adalo… As it was working fine the last few days, and both of my apps were affected. Hoping Adalo can fix this soon! :pray:

Hopefully I helped! Either ways it may be your database so make sure to check!

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Did you managed to fix it though? I have sent a support tix - as I didn’t changed the database nor the filter. It just happened, suddenly…

So what happened it brought a wrong idea, or not show at all! I just re-did the whole database, I AM NOT SAYING DO THE WHOLE DATABASE, and it fixed it! You may changed something that affected it.

Let me try that. Thanks by the way! :grin: