Number format "Currency abbreviated" only displays dollar sign in editor

Hi everyone,

I want to use the £ currency. When I’m using a text input box displaying a price, the currency function only shows the £ currency if I choose the option of “Currency” in the editor. If I use the “Currency abbreviated” option, it only displays the $ currency in the editor preview.

Has anyone else noticed this? I don’t see a bug raised for Adalo to fix it (unless I’ve missed it).

  1. “Currency” number format (correct):

2a. Selecting the “Currency abbreviated” format:

2b. Currency formatting not working after applying the abbreviated format:


Welcome to the community @AliM :partying_face:

Good catch! I can reproduce the same. Did you submitted a ticket? : Right Desk

In the meantime, you can do as following :

Hey @dilon_perera,

Thanks for the response and for confirming it’s not just me experiencing the issue! I tried the same work around, sadly the formatting didn’t look great so it’s not a viable option for me.

I’ve raised a ticket just now. It’s a shame you don’t get a ticket ID to share and track the status of the bug.


Here I solved just creating the option again. I think it was about cache. :person_in_lotus_position:t3:

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