Parsing chat GPT output into collections

what i want to do is essentially allow the user to fill out a form / questionnaire and then, submit that user data along with a prompt to chat GPT (this part is set up and running). but have it formatted so i can upload it to a user to do list with sections such as due date, difficulty, name, description and then completed or not but. because currently when the GPT output is created and sent to the adalo app all the data is stored as one big piece of text is there a possibility or solution whereby i would be able to send that GPT output to get parsed using something like Make and then filter each task into a table accordingly with all the appropriate data for example:

  • user fills out survey / questionnaire

  • all user data sent to chat GPT along with a pre determined prompt to create an appropriate TODO list for the user for the next weeks lets say

  • that data is then stored in a adalo collection as one whole text

  • it is then sent to MAKE and appropriately parsed into due date, task name , task description/detail

  • that’s then stored into a table /collection

  • table is connected to adalo app

  • to do list is then filtered to show all to do tasks for current day for example

or if anyone has any other possible solutions or workarounds that would be greatly appreciated

Also wondering this. What are you using to integrate ChatGPT onto your adalo app?

you can either use the custom action set-up or ask chat gpt function under the custom action button

Did you figure this out? I’m trying to do the same thing. Thanks!

yes it works i used zapier for the process because ‘make’ required the team/business plan to connect with adalo whereas you don’t with zapier i used the code function within zapier to parse the data they have an ai tool for it you jsut need to make sure the data coming in from chat gpt is presented in a similar looking method for the code to parse and then i sent it back to adalo as different days of the week