Publishing to Google Play: privacy policy and camera permission


I am trying to publish my app to Google Play and I’m encoutering the same issue as described here.

Seems like an easy workaround is to add a Privacy policy to my app: even though I generated one online, I am still stuck wondering where I should add it.

Any pointers? I guess this issue is frequently met when deploying on Google Play so one of you guys reading this can probably help me out!

Thanks a million :pray:

Hi Tide,

You have your privacy policy in a website ?

If you have it on a website, copy/paste the url of your page.

In the Play Console, go to your app and at the bottom in the left menu, click on app content and paste the url here :slight_smile:

If you need some help let me know.

Hello @STWEB,

It worked like a charm, thank you very much for your help :pray:
You made my day!


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Hello @tide ,

You’re welcome :+1:

So have a nice day !

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