Simple list not visible when sorted

I have created a screen with a map and a simple list both corresponding to event locations, and event details respectively. I added a text input value so that a user can filter the list results based on distance from the user. The filter works (shows all events within x radius). However, when I try and sort the list by nearest to farthest from device location or from user location the list no longer is visible. Any ideas?

Hi @B2012,

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

Did you allow location permission?

Is it possible to do a quick screen recording showing your setup and preview? ( you can use Loom ) Or some screenshots?

Thank you


Thanks for the response, yes I did allow location permissions and other functionality works (distance function based off of user logged in location, etc). I’ll try and create the video and show how I have it setup to demonstrate the issue. Stay tuned! :wink:

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