Using Decimals to determine time of Day (Equation Help)

Alright, so I’m currently trying to make a way for certain items to appear on a list, but only during chosen time period (i.e., restaurant hours - restaurant only shows during the times its open). I have done the following below but here is the main problem im running into…

Instead of 12:00pm being the 0, it is actually is 5pm that shows the 0 decimal. This means that at 4:59, the decimal output is 0.99993… (This is what 11:59 should show). Maybe a timezone thing?

I assume the fix would be to alter the equation, or maybe I have set it up incorrectly. Any suggestions appreciated! Screenshots below:

This is the current equation that is the Action for the submit button when a user creates a new record:

Here is the current output that I receive when I choose 5:00pm and 4:49pm:


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Hi @huntertige,

As you brought this up in another topic. Why your deal Start Time is after Deal End Time? See the dates in the screenshot.
