Valid JSON body

Hi @Vasily,

Now I see. This behaviour is bizarre, I asked someone if there is a reason for this and whether it is intentional or not.

As a gentle advice - it was quite difficult to recreate a reproducible case based on the information you’ve provided before - having some screenshots or videos would save time for diagnostics.

And still, this has nothing to do with this exact tutorial - using or not using HTML is an optional feature. So tutorial didn’t stop working :slight_smile:


@Victor - you are correct, I should have articulated this better. However, the end result is the same - not being able to place the variable in the HTML code properly makes it about as useful as plain text emails :slight_smile:

Did you happen to make a tutorial on using SendInBlue campain templates?

@Vasily this is in my todo list, though I’m not sure when can I find time to create this tutorial.
Above you can find the link to the documentation, it’s a good place to start.

Are there any news that you have to escape the html and don’t work without it? I still have problems with a system when passing with escape.