Adalo app showing no data. External Collections


I am getting unusual sort of error. I am not getting any data to show on my screens. My screens are populated via external collections. I can check the data is coming in my external collection but the screens are not loading.

Its happening since last night. Any issue with Adalo?



Hey @jibranmusa

Many users are experiencing issues with API, including myself. The best route right now is to submit a support ticket to show the Adalo staff the problems.

I’ve already brought this up in our community leader’s channel and the staff members that have replied would like to see exactly what problems you (and other users) are facing regarding this issue.

If you could provide a screen recording, that would be more helpful than screenshots. The more info you can provide, the better. So try to outline the API, lists, and where the data is missing.

I wish I could be of more help here.

Been having the same issue, no login/ signup process are saved and working. No data displayed too