Adalo Javascript Component

Hey @TKOTC !
Is it possible to add a Javascript snippet with it?
I would like to add a widget to my Adalo mobile app.

I tried to make hash (sha256) using this code:

const hmac = require('crypto-js/hmac-sha256');

const body = {
    order_id: '123',
    currency: 'uah',
    wallet_type: 'ecom',
    amount: 10,
    payway: 'card',
    // ...

const signature = hmac(JSON.stringify(body), 'secretKey')

Unfortunately simply nothing happens :frowning:

Is it possible to use cryptographic functions in this component? Thank you!

Hi! I need to run this script by button with deep-link which send variables to script url. I will be grateful for any ideas!


Do you mean deep linking?

Hello, would not work like that unfortunately, this js component only does some basic stuff, but can’t get libraries let me know if you still need help


I’m trying to install using my adalo developer token and I’m getting an error

Installation Failed, possibly wrong token, or you already installed it

Please help