🧙‍♂️ How to install the Arbitrary Javascript by Pragmaflow into your Adalo app

Sometimes you want to use a simple javascript function in your apps. The “Arbitrary Javascript” component allows you to do just that! Here’s how you can install the “Arbitrary Javascript” component by Pragmaflow.

Huge huge shoutout to @TKOTC for this component. It’s a real game-changer!

Pragmaflow: Adalo Components — PragmaFlow

Step 1. Enable Developer Mode for your account
Step 2. Generate a developer’s access token and copy it to your clipboard
Step 3. Go to Pragmaflow’s website and click on the “install a component tab”
Step 4. Paste your access token into the provided field
Step 5. Scroll down to find the Arbitrary Javascript component and click the “install” button.
Step 6. Refresh your Adalo app
Step 7. Go to the Developer settings and add the new component to your “team” so that you can use it in your apps.

Now you’re ready to use the “Arbitrary Javascript” component in your Adalo app!

& don’t forget to hit the subscribe button to get the latest tutorials whenever I drop them: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwOXg3UKrgL8wwFEzq0MLRg?sub_confirmation=1


*built by @TKOTC, I just talk about it.

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Revised :slight_smile: Thanks for your tutorials on it either way!

Hi when i do these steps and put my token in the field it says Installation Failed, possibly wrong token, or you already installed it when it isnt installed or the wrong token here is a ss (dw key will be deactivated)


You have to use this method now:

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I’m unsure still how to do it im on windows if you could make an easy stright to the point tutorial please let me know. or will i be able to just leave the componment and will the app still work

This is so much more baffling than the last option, why adalo why lol

I’m getting another error, when i do npx adalo login it shows a bunch of errors.

Here is a screenshot.

Steven from Pragmaflow has made a video for this installation process! :tada:

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Its fine sm1 installed it for me

I am getting a similar error as you bella. The video from Steven posted below didn’t help, as the coding terminal went a bit too fast (or included a bit too little explanation). May I ask how you got past this?