Adalo system database optimization

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve performance, we’ve deployed several optimizations to the Adalo system database which every single Maker touches as part of the app building process. Specifically, database queries related to app builds, Magic Text, API collection endpoints, and templates should all be faster now, contributing to the overall goal of making Adalo the fastest app builder and publication service in the world.

CTO, Adalo


Thanks for sharing the update Jason @wjgilmore!

API docs in the builder definitely work much faster now; I have an app for which the load time was over a minute and now it’s less than 10 seconds.

Thanks a lot to you and all the team!


Awesome to hear that the update made such a huge impact, Victor! Going from 1+ minute to under 10 seconds is a game-changer. Thanks for sharing your feedback and kudos to Jason and the team for the hard work!