Adalo & Xano - Blank screens

Hello @everyone

I’ve just integrated Xano on my app. There are a few differences between the help documentation and videos, i suppose they haven’t been updated in a while (i think Adalo should consider keeping a paid feature updated as much as possible), for example, you cannot use the login forms as they come because you cannot manually select the submit button, it shows as a submit component of the form. This makes it impossible to use the text inputs to login via Xano.

I managed to work around it creating text inputs and a simple button.

My problem now is with the app preview. After going back and forward between screens, it just goes blank with no reason:

Then, if i go to the side navigation and press logout (which is linked to the login page) instead of logging out, it now shows the actual screen that was previously blank…

Is this just a bug i’m experiencing or is it common?

Thanks for your support !

After an enquiry i found that this should be related to the the free version, as the API rate reaches its limit very fast.

I am now faced with the problem that every time i toggle a entry from a list, all the data is deleted from that database’s table entry on Xano:

Meanwhile all other entries on the list that have no been toggled, are complete.

Anyone able to help?

Thank you

(the original post was made from my personal acount :slightly_smiling_face:)