Adaloshop - New Youtube Channel

Hi everyone,
Just created a channel in YouTube, since I have been doing apps for quite sometime in Adalo but with other platforms also, so decided to add a place to share my knowledge. While working at same time with competitors, I must say Adalo is the most user friendly and with the lowest learning curve so far, but it all comes with challenges to not make it boring :slight_smile: .

Been a developer for quite some time and Product Manager for many years, pretty much used to development (Mostly Websites/WordPress, APIs and backend systems), product management. and used to all types of platforms and APIs, so hope to help where I can.

I must say that making videos is much harder than expected (I try to do in one shot, crazy right :smiley:, but always end up going for several Take/Actions :slight_smile: ). Having been a backstage person all my life, I guess I have stage fright :smiley: (Chamomile tea does not help here :smiley: , so mind the โ€œblopsโ€), but I hope you like the content. Let me know if you have any questions or would like to see something specific.

Take a look and let me know if you need a specific video. Let me know what you like and not, for me to improve also :slight_smile: .

And donโ€™t forget, always have fun Adaloing :slight_smile: .


Hi @JL_LJ,
Can you keep creating more videos?
Just now you have 4 YouTube videos.
Firoz Khan - @firozkhan.06

I will make more videos starting from this week, was just preparing the website as I will leave also the lessons there. Thanks for the heads up :).