Adding Maps? (offline?)

Hello everyone
I’ve just started with Adalo, and making apps for that matter!!
Could I ask some questions regarding mapping please…

I’m tinkering with making an app that shows users, places of interest around them.

I’ve added the Google maps component, got an API key, and added markers using Magic Text and co-ords pulled from my database.

It’s all working fine, but just through my own testing, I’ve noticed the costs at Google Maps Platform going up…
If I was to have many, many users, the costs would rocket!!

So, my question is, are there alternatives to mapping out my markers for my users?
Such as Open Street Maps, or storing an offline map within the app, and then overlaying my markers?

Any help would be appreciated… thanks

Hey there @Barn_Z

There is no alternative at the moment. You may want to reach out to some component developers to create a custom component for your request.

Ah, ok. Thank you for the reply…

Where might I look for a component developer please? I’m quite new to all this


Here are a few:

@Michael @Mitch-Pragmaflow @njimmy10 @Complab @knight

Thx :+1:

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