Adjust text line height

Is there a way to adjust the text line height?..How? @adalojosh
This feature is way over-due.

I think it would be an easy way for Adalo & app makers to add A LOT of perceived value.
(And save users eyes with easier readability) Thanks.

Quick-fix suggestion:
In order to save Adalo build-time and cost,
rather than letting us users adjust the line spacing,

Adalo could at least adjust the default line spacing on multi-line text elements…
to somewhere between 1.5 - 1.7 - Not sure what it is now. I’m guessing it’s set to 1.0 - Regardless…It’s almost impossible to read more than 3 or 4 lines, without going cross-eyed.

The image below shows posts requesting this for years

I support this request.
There are some things missing, which shouldn’t be hard to add.

Like I tried using the share button, which is a standard element of this list I chose,
only to get an answer from support telling me this feature is not supported yet.
Why is there this button if Adalo can’t support the actual action?!

To have an option that makes your voice count, follow this link if you like
and vote for a feature to add:
Adalo | Feature Request
I didn’t want to make an extra canny account, just to get these people to improve their app.

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A few basic features would make Adalo so much more useful and love-able.

I hope Adalo uses common sense when prioritizing which features to build.
Meaning, I see a lot of people voting for features like, Dark mode, Animation, and others…

which have near zero value for creating app solutions for other people’s real world problems. If Adalo can enable builders to solve problems, it’s a win, win, win… long term.

Line height is necessary for legibility / usability.

There are probably a fair number of Adalo users that are also designers, whom could make Adalo apps look like a million bucks, which would attract more customers for Adalo, if Adalo would allow them to do so by making their current components more rich / flexible.

Sharing is great for growth, value, and marketing; not just for app makers, but for Adalo’s marketing as well.

I agree that we need this! We’re working on other things at the moment but we would definitely like to add line height support in the future.

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Awesome. Thanks for the reply, Josh!

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