Airtable API key deprecation notice

I use Airtable as backend, I received a notification in my airtable’s account, at feb 2024 my API’s connections won’t be use, I need to change these connection for a personal token, someone has the same issue?

Hi @CosmePeR,

They’ve changed this for everyone. Please see here: Airtable API key deprecation notice | Airtable Support. Basically, they would like to increase security level: for the existing API Key model, you can use one API Key to access all databases/tables. Personal Tokens and Oauth will allow more granular access.

In the article from a link above you can find all the necessary info - what will happen, how to migrate, etc. On Adalo side I believe that you will need to update your External Collections’ settings - change the Bearer token in the 1st page, in Header part. Be careful not to lose any fields :). Tested it on my sample table - if everything is done carefully, the migration shouldn’t cause any problems.
Or you can create another Airtable external collection with a new key and update your app to use it.


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