App is looking different

Hi, I have launched my app on play store, and it is looking very different, some components are going out of the screen. They were looking perfect in the preview. And now I don’t know how to correct them, as there is no way to preview how it will actually look on the phone after downloading from play store.

Please help!

did you not test the apk before publishing it? that’s a must do.

now, you should check the issues, correct them and make another build and publish.

Yup as @bhanu mention, always always test on hardware before publish, the previewer is ok for quick looks.

@tbel @bhanu where can I check? The preview as we know is not showing the actual view.

before you publish the apk in google store, you need to install that on your device and verify if everything is working as expected. only then publish the apk on google store


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