Button Status when update

Whe have now button status.
Is it possible to change the status of a button when my customer has pressed the button. He wants to update his text and when he has done this, the status of the button changes.
I have multiple update options on a screen, so the customer can see which ones he has already updated and which ones he has not.
Is this possible, I have already watched all the videos but this is not discussed.
There is one in this forum, but this is from before we get the new buttons.

Thank for your answers
Rinus Joosen


I think you can setup this by enabling other states on button and applying the condition as per your requirements.

You can either do a hidden/ visible button that appears during certain states and you would need some sort of boolean or similar value to use as a “status”. For example, I have an app that has a button that is visible during a certain status (boolean), then when the user submits a form, I update the status so that that button isn’t visible and a new button is visible based on a collection status that is updated from the initial form submission (an Action causes this). The buttons are nearly identical in design, but just different wording/ coloring to showcase that they are different.

As the other reply mentioned, you could look at other Button States:

Yes, but update is not a condition.
But I do it now with a boolean. And it works.
Thank you for your answer.

Thank you, this works. :+1:

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