Change content of email?

Hi everyone. Is it possible to change the content of e-mails when reminding the application password? I am from Poland and the application is in Polish, but when I click to remind the password, the email comes in English.

Hello, it is not possible to customize directly the message coming from adalo. You can add a fully customize process, like add the text, send the email using external api and customized screens.
I am from italy and for now I left in eng.

Hi @waszczuklukasz,

Like @Filli said it’s not possible,unfortunately as far as I’m aware! You can add that as a feature request : ( I though that message send with the user’s device language :man_facepalming: )

And also like @Filli mentioned you can build your own custom forgot password setup! : You can watch this video made by Victor : Adalo tutorials: multistep customised password reset. ATTENTION - IMPORTANT UPDATES in description. - YouTube ( you can use other API’s other that Sendinblue! You can find some videos in YouTube! )

Thank you

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