Change Password Page Disappears

I’m testing the Adalo function for changing password and noticed that after logging into the app with the temp password, the “Create New Password” page would pop up for only 1 second and then I got directed to my main page. So I ended up not being able to change my password because of that.

I tested this feature two months ago and it was working perfectly fine. Not sure what happened…

Do you have a redirect page set as your homescreen? I encountered this before where it redirects from password screen.

Yes. My users will be redirected based on their user type. Is there any solution?

It was a long time ago and i don’t remember finding a specific solution.

An idea that springs to mind is have an hidden text input field that gets changed to ‘yes’ when they hit the password reset field.

Then on your redirect page, have a 1 second countdown timer executing your redirects conditionally. However put that countdown timer inside a group that is only visible if the hidden input is not equal to yes.

This should mean after they hit password reset, there will be no redirect happening. Once password reset is complete they’ll land on redirect page. You can have a button there that is only visible if hidden input = yes. Then clicking the button should change the input back to empty, and the redirects would continue as normal.

Thank you! I shall certainly give it a try!

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