Choose the starting screen on your app, (home screen)

So i have this app, which has a home screen (the screen i want to pop up when i view my app, or open it.) The home screen just has a text that says home, an image and a way to navagate which i will show you later.
i have 3 more screens except from the home one, and i have navagitions between them, i can move between screens with “buttons” i set up. i am using this navigation on all my screens:
Screenshot 2024-04-12 142655
but when i start the app (i dident “publish” it yet), the first screen that pops up is not the home screen!
Can someone help me get the home screen to be the first one to pop up?

  1. Click on the screen that you want to make the home screen.

  2. Click on the name of that screen, on the upper left.
    (in the screen shot, it is named “Orange”) - click on that.

  3. Click on the drop down and select “home” screen.

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@C3PO YOO, thank you so much it worked! i’ve tring to figure this out for a couple of days, thanks!

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