Collections API (Your Adalo App Now Has Its Own API!)

The latest feature release is the Collections API. An API is an Application Programming Interface, which is a fancy way of saying you can now use the data from inside Adalo, outside Adalo (among other things).

Use tools such as Parabola & Integromat to automate workflows based on information within your collections.

Each Adalo app now comes fully equipped with personalized API documentation, automatically updated with each new collection added.

Unleash the power of your data with the Collections API.


Awesome release! I’m trying to navigate to the API page for a number of different collections and am either just having the API page spin / load forever or getting an error that says “Something went wrong…” with then some error text under that message. Very excited to use this new feature. Let me know if helpful to send you more of the error issues.

Thanks for making this!

Awesome! Good job guys :heart: :beers:
Finally we can start making some external heavy workflows.

This is simply AWESOME!

Can we build a notification system for adalo web apps like chat or social media trough backendless??

That would be awesome

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I would say that anything is possible now that we have an API :grin:

Regrettably I am experiencing trouble with the API access as I only get

“error”: “Access token / app mismatch”

Even with the simplest requests… What am I missing?

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Same here :frowning: Even after regenerating an API key.

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@AXIOM and @swgy84, the system has been unstable for the last 48h, maybe that could be the cause.
I would wait until support gets back on Monday.

Hey @AXIOM, @swgy84, @Devops, and everyone, apologies for having to do this, but at the moment we’ve had to pause any calls to the new Collections API feature.

While this was not the root cause of the outages yesterday, we want to pause any calls to the Collections API for now to give our database more bandwidth. Basically what was happening yesterday was that all of the saves were backed up with all of the apps, so increasing the bandwidth means the saves will continue to be instantaneous. (To be clear, your Custom Actions and External Collections functionality is still running the same as normal, it’s just the new Collections API access we paused.)

Right now our dev team is still working hard to make changes with everything here so this is only temporary. We’ll update you when the Collections API is no longer paused. We’re also going to be posting a longer game plan here moving forward to let you all know what we’re doing to insure that everything is in tip-top shape.

We understand this has to be frustrating, so we wanted to thank you all you for being so understanding and supportive throughout this.


Ah, alright. Thank you for the update.

The API was the reason why I signed up for a paid account, because that’s the foundation of the App idea I have in mind. Anything on how long it’ll take until its up and running again? :slightly_smiling_face:

@AXIOM @swgy84 @Devops

Update! The Collections API is back on.

We’ll have a much longer & detailed post about everything that happened and everything we’re doing long term from an infrastructure & performance standpoint sometime later this week, but everything is back on & running smoothly.

I’d also like to thank our dev team for working extremely hard to resolve this issue.


Wow, that’s great news! Thank you for resolving this so quickly! :star_struck:

Yup, can confirm. A little bit slow with 2.78 sec response time but hey, it’s working! Great work Adalorians!

Wow, appreciate the quick turn around! Works like magic. I was able to build a prototype of something I’ve wanted to build for months. Thank you so very much for this.

Thanks @David for the update status especially over the weekend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And a big shout out to all the devs for resolving this matter :hugs:

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This is brilliant. Updating my apps with this. Game changer!!


Uhm, would it be possible to sync an Adalo app with a Shopify store then?

The easy way: use Zapier which also connects to Adalo

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ME PASA EXACTAMENTE LO MISMO alguna ayuda o comentario porfavor

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