Copying formulas

Hi guys,

Is there a way to copy the formulas somehow? I have a huge formula and it’s been a pain.


Negative. It is a pain. Especially when the cursor jumps around.

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Agreed with the cursor as well. Someone asked about it 3 years ago, and I believe it is long enough for them to look at this and improve. Also when we click on the pencil we should be able to edit, not only delete. Otherwise, the icon should be a rubbish bin, not a pencil.

Here is a example of my formula that I need to write many times. Today at the shower I though about create a screen with inputs to break the formula in parts and then have a smaller formula in the end. But I already have done lots with the whole formula that I don’t want to re-do all again.

This is the formula:

Hey Adalo Team! Help us, to help you!


Hello, you can submit a support ticket through this link: Submit a Support Ticket
And they’ll take your issue into consideration.

Thank you!

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