Create Unique User ID

Does Adalo automatically create a unique ID for each User and link it to all records they create?

Hi Dave @dblackard,

Each record in every collection in Adalo has an ID which is unique to this collection. It starts from 1 and always autoincrements with every new record created.
You can find it when you view all records in the collection, the column is located in far right (before created date & updated date). Also this ID is returned in a Collections API responses.

In addition, Users collection keeps track of an “email” field being unique, so you can’t create 2 users with the same email.

In regards to auto-linking - no, it doesn’t happen automatically. You need to create a relationship between Users collection and other collection, and link records at the time of creation (or later if you wish).


Thanks for all the help Victor.

I hope Adalo will consider just programming this into the system on the backend. Their competition is doing this now.

Best Regards,


Hi @dblackard,

There is a place where you can share ideas for product improvements:


Problem Solved

Hey Victor
Don’t know if you want to pass this on.

I’ve been trying out online databases & apps for about 15 years.
I’ve had an idea for a consumer app for the past 3 years. I’ve tried every one available but could not find one with all the features I needed.
Today Adalo checked off all the boxes and the app is completed.
Thanks Adalo team for all the help.

Best Regards,


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Hi Dave @dblackard,

Congratulations, great to hear that Adalo helped you to achieve your goals! Good luck with the app launch!
Just in case - if you wish you could share your app in the relevant forum section.
Also, Community Leaders (like myself) aren’t Adalo employees - we voluntarily help other forum members by sharing our knowledge and experience. And I’m happy that some of my advices (and of course advices by others) were useful for you.

Best regards, Victor.

Thank you Victor.
Your initial help got me going.
I had a couple of problems that no one offered a complete solution.
I figured them out today and made explainer videos. Paying it forward.

Best Regards,


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