Custom actions test ok but return blank or error in the app

I’ve been polling Google books and Open library using custom actions but all I get are blank responses even though the API test goes well when I set up the custom action.

The example pings are:


The work well in postman and in the adalo custom actions screen.

When it’s time to use them in the app I tied them to a “refresh” button to fetch the info but I alway get blank responses. Is there some problem on the adalo side or am I doing something wrong?

Here are how my actions are setup:

Hi @PrincipledPeter.

I’ve been facing issues with API calls but with SendGrid. Similar to you, the API calls work fine in the Custom Action Tests but fails in the live preview for me.

I had tested my Custom Actions before in a live preview and in a published app on both Apple and Android and it worked before but it has been failing the past two days when I’m testing it.

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I had tested my Custom Actions before in a live preview and in a published app on both Apple and Android and it worked before but it has been failing the past two days when I’m testing it.

My testbuild published on google play is also suffering from the same symptoms.

It’s honestly very frustrating because I started paying for pro so I could publish natively.

Hi @PrincipledPeter,

I’m sorry that you are facing this issue!

I just checked this API with a input and button and I inputted the ISBN number manually and after clicking the button I have the Custom action and I got the Title. I think you are getting the ISBN number through the Scanner right? After scanning you have a Create action that store the scanned number in a collection? And then Updating that record from the custom action?

Thank you

ISBN is being pulled from a collection of scanned items. API is being called through a button when looking at the details.

In fact I see one actually got through 21 hours ago:

So my API calls are correctly formatted but I’m getting empty replies.

This happens with both APIs so I don’t think it’s a problem on the API side either.

Is it possible to show a video that how you have setupd this for better Understatement :slightly_smiling_face:?

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Sure here you go @dilon_perera

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Thanks for the video!

When I use this API I don’t get any response in preview.

But I get the response in the preview using this API? You don’t get the response from this API too right?

And can I know dose the Code property in the Scans collection is a number property or a text property?

@dilon_perera I still don’t understand what’s going on but at least it’s semi working thanks to your headsup on google books.

First I recorded this video to show you that google books won’t return a title either Dropbox Capture

But then I thought… hmmm what happens if there’s a title already in the DB… Dropbox Capture And this time google books returned a title. It seems I wasn’t testing with an ISBN that the google api liked. :face_with_spiral_eyes:
If the reply from the API is empty Adalo will delete what was in that cell of the collection though.

I still don’t understand what the hell is going on though. Did openlibrary ban adalo apps from accessing it somehow? Are some queries just lost by the adalo server?

At least now I can sort of get some valid replies from google books and I can work off that.