Custom formula not working

Hi, I connot build custom formula since today. Someone experiencing the same?


Same. I just submitted a support ticket as well.


Still broken…


Having the same issue, hopefully, they get it back up soon.

I’m going to go watch a movie lol

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I’m also having the same problem. It is not possible to make custom formulas. When I try to create a formula, an error appears. Please try again.


Same issue for me. I need a resolve ASAP!

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Yep. I too have exactly the same issue. Please get on the case guys, I imagine it’s a well used feature worth prioritising.

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Sometimes i think for what we pay for adalo?
I want to let you knwo people that now we can’t upload any app to app store….



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I have sent in two tickets over the last 24 hours. I am dead in the water and my math calculations in my apps are not working correctly. This is a major issue.

Is this really serious? There’s no one from Adalo to see this. I have important applications that use custom formulas and it is not being possible to use. Adalo what’s going on? Is anyone there? IOS with problems, mathematical formulas. :disappointed:

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Hope it will be fix soon!

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Hey folks! Sorry for the long standing issue! Thanks to @iAppsNi for flagging this to me! One of our engineers has deployed a fix and this should be working as intended now! Please DM me if you are still having issues with this!


Thank you very much Ben. It’s working now. :clap:

Hey @ben1

If you’ve been following along with the “town hall” thread, this is exactly the kind of issue we are referring to with @jessehaywood

Some days everything works, and other days we’re completely disabled from working on our projects due to bugs, editor problems, build problems, etc. I use custom formulas in nearly every app that I’ve created and I haven’t been able to do anything app-related except help people in the forum for the past 36 hours.

Don’t get me wrong, I love helping people and I’ve been striving so hard to earn the coveted “community leader” title by helping out dozens of people here every single day.

But are you saying that it took someone to reach out to you directly in order to get this issue resolved? We’ve been helpless for 36 hours and many of us submitted tickets. Your response makes it appear as if all of our support tickets were ignored and you only jumped in because someone contacted you directly.


I wondering why somethink break when its worked before? Does adalo dev team not use test servers do they operate on live version?

Sadly true.

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