Hi all,
I’m trying Adalo to make a “desktop” web app.
I’ve been searching for a way to really customize forms to fit to a web page. It seems like it’s only a single-column form and no way to change the way it displays.
Am I missing something ? Is there something coming ?
Please… Otherwise Adalo is perfect and I don’t want to go Bubble on this…
Built-in form still has limitation, all you can customize are in the left panel, if you don’t find other settings, most likely the feature is not here yet.
But you can still do custom form, it means you add texts, input fields, button to perform update or create.
I’m building a mobile app/ but still making a custom form. Unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to make it work properly with the database. Even with nothing filled out it still creates blank fields (multiple) in the database. I have tried using “sometimes” feature several different ways and nothing seems to work properly.
You can fill the input field by using magic text in default value or do change input value to the input field at the previous screen, just before link to screen action.
The built-in form still has limitations; the only parameters you can change are in the left panel; if you don’t see any additional options, the feature is most likely not available yet.
However, you may still construct a custom form by adding messages, input fields, and a button to update or create.