All my screens using date picker do not work any more (blank screen). The dates in my database has moved from DD/MM/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY during night !
I’m afraid something is wrong with new dates formats . Result : 20% of my app is down ! My customer will appreciate.
If anybody has information about that, or similar experience, please HELP !!!
Hi, in addition to that bug, the format & language of that Date Picker is not adapting to my browser language/date settings anymore. I tested on chrome, Firefox & safari. Before the recent Bug Fix, all my users (here in Switzerland) would have the date picker format matching their browser settings, now it’s only in default EN-US. I submitted a ticket.
Yes I’m aware of normal steps to take to report bug. But I saw your changelog post, and bug-posts within a few hours of yours, so I made an educated guess that the problems in the same component could be due to update. Hence tagged you directly.
I haven’t submitted my ticket yet because I assumed that since everyone is facing the same issue there would be many such tickets for the same components from other users, and once the component troubleshooting is done all of us will be fine.
Since you shared that you’ve seen a company thread about this issue I anticipate this will be resolved.
The change was reverted and this should be resolved. If you are still experiencing this, please try clearing your cache and if it is not resolved feel free to submit a ticket and we will look into this as soon as possible.