Delete from list

To delete lot of records you can use the countdown trick and filter that list like Michael mentioned and then they will delete it from the collection!

You can add this to any screen or maybe add this to a screen like splash screen ( the screen that user sees first )! I guess adding it to a splash screen will be good. I think If you add that to the Home screen or any other screens the all records will not delete if the user quickly navigate to other screens.

For that maybe you can add a single countdown on that screen and make it visible that only visible if that all orders ( collection name) > count > is greater than > 0. And filter it for the passsed date orders. And then you can add a link action to another new screen and apply the countdown trick there.

Or you can use a 3rd party like Integromat ( Make )! You can do like this :

In here you can filter it for the passsed orders.

Hope this helps!

Thank you