Hi everyone,
I’m currently develloping a video sharing application,
I’ve been struggling to find a way to download a known file from the database, be it an image or a video. I tried finding a fitting way (preferably a button) to do so, using actions, yet I couldn’t find a proper way to achieve my goal even with google’s help.
Is there someone here who has the knowledge and is willing to share it?
Hi @Hatapon,
What are you going to do with this file? Open locally? View in your application?
What kind platform should component support? iOS and Android?
Hi @gskachkov , I’m supposed to open them locally, but view them in the app is something I’m struggling to do as well. I’ve been using the free version of adalo since the beginning of my project and I wonder if I’ve reach the limits. Considering the OS, I’d like the app to be as widely usable as possible.
I’ve developed two components specially for such case, one download file by url and second open local file by default devices viewer. I’ve tested with images and pdf files. It will be available in my market during with Weekend
Thank you, it will be of great use. Do you think it will work with videos as well?
Let’me check.
What video format are you going to use?
The base file system given by adalo, I must admit I don’t know what they’re using
Hi @Hatapon,
Welcome to the community 
Just sharing this method introduced by @Victor that may help here too! : Adalo hints and tricks: Image manipulation with ImgIX - YouTube
Thank you
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@Hatapon I’ve developed and released Adalo component file downloader and local file opener
. You can install and test it from my store Adalo Component Marketplace
There is link to cloneable Adalo application, where you can check how it can be configured.
PDF-Offline Ping me in DM if you’ll have any issue in configuration, I’ll share video how it should be configured.
There is a link to video of app with this component Dropbox - offline_loader_work.mp4 - Simplify your life