Dropdown list workarounds for airtable

Hi, I am using airtable as the collection (adalo’s collections are quite limited for calculations, conditional things etc). I have just realised that adalo doesnt support dropdown lists from airtable, but this is not ok - this is a major limitation that frankly I wasnt anticipating or expecting.

question is would these workarounds work?
Im trying to explore, but my adalo understanding is still quite basic at this point.

1, I create a collection in adalo (then there are dropdown lists). when a form for this is filled in, the event triggers an automation (e.g. Zapier) to push to Airtable (is this possible)?
2, I link to an airtable form - so the form is a page embed in some way (is page embed, or a model with external content possible? how could I transmit the user for this so it is recognised?)



The first approach actually seems to work well. Got my dropdown menu and it syncs into airtable well