External Database from Wordpress for Users?

Is it possible to connect a external Wordpress database with user credentials to Adalo and use it for the users?


External collections is currently in beta, as long as you have a RestAPI for it, you can use.


I am currently creating that.
Best is to use use WordPress User API to share the credentials to ADALO in a secure environment and same in Adalo, So users can both register in WordPress or Adalo and share USer DB. I would suggest “enforcing” using social Media logins, since it will faciliatate your sign-up much better.

But I would use something like XANO that has user management and not keep wordpress passwords in Adalo.

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Never hear about Xano. So a third db as middleman between the Wordpress site and adalo app?

@JL_LJ do you have a short tutorial how to implemented it? That would be awesome.

If you’re looking for tutorials on @xano , head over to their YouTube page here:

Also, I can try to request and coordinate a session with xano team if there’s enough interest in the community for external collections setup with @xano


Hey @pushingpandas ! We haven’t done much interacting with Wordpress, but would love to learn more about your use case since we should be able to help you out. If it’s helpful, find some time to meet with us so we can help you out!


I didn’t do it yet, only in draft status. Only thing to be on the lookout for WordPress is that if you plan to export data from Posts for example, the data will not come sanitized. So you will see data with HTML tags all over.

I see Xano team replied, so would be great if they could build a tutorial in YT with WordPress.

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Ah ok I only want to use the user credentials so they can login to the app with the same data as on the website.

I would say then use the Users | REST API Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

I see 2 scenarios:

  1. Users register via WordPress

  2. You cannot send Password to Adalo or Xano

  3. User register via Adalo

  4. You can create same user in WordPress via Users | REST API Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

So, best is to have a middleman that will allow to “create” user in both sides. Although I cannot see where ADALO API allows to create a user password, Maybe Xano’s team can help you with this.


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