Filtering Random Picker component options

I need help with using the Random Picker component, specifically filtering the options that it can select from.

So far I have the random picker working so that it randomly selects from my collection of restaurants.
This works fine right now. It changes the logged-in users “assigned restaurant” record I have in a User to Restaurant relationship.

Now, I want to add a screen in front of this where the user can apply filters based on their preferences. I’d like a filter for cuisine type and a filter for price range.

How can I go about doing this?

I’ve tried creating a new collection (named “session”) and linking it with both a Price and a Cuisine collection. Then setting up many-to-many relationships and a relationship to the user. I then had the MultiSelect Dropdown component serving as the filtering method for the user to use for both of these options on that first page - updating the current session record.

This did not get me my result. Does anyone have a solution?

Hi @eesau !! :wave::wave:

I didn’t understand. :neutral_face:Can you explain from some screenshots?

Thank you :blush::blush:


Yes, definitely…

This wasn’t mentioned in my first post; the Start button creates a new Session.

@eesau can you tell the problem as a summary? If you can. :blush:

I don’t know how to “tell” that randomizer component to filter those Cuisine and Price selections.
I’ve tried different relationship types between the three, but I either get the endless drop down lists (shown below) or no correct option at all.

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