Google Translate API


I am in need of some help. I followed the exisiting guide but it was not sufficient. I need to able to translate a text section from my app, user pressess a button, and that section displays translated in a pop up.

I have a an API key and I have set up a translate custom action. However, when I run it, I can’t find the magic text for the resulting text. I also can’t seem to pull the content (which is supposed to pull from my city guide text) to translate. Its translating only what I put in the test section when I build the custom action.

Anyways, I would appreciate the help!

You can try using the ChatGPT feature for this instead. It works like a charm too!

Thank you. I tried that but it seems like you can only have one configured at each time.

@TIPS_2, so the custom action works fine right? could you show your setup showing the issue?

Honestly, it was a bit painful. I got it to work after just some trial and error. I think what worked for me was that I had to add the output into some sort of database and carry that database over. But it was not as easy to workout.


yeah, this is true! once you add a custom action to a button you can’t access the output in another screen and you need to save it in the db so that in that screen you can add the saved property from magic text!

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