Greying out a text input

Hi all,

I have this issue with the text input.

So i creating this form using text inputs and the last text input which says ‘custom fomula’ is the total cost, however the user is able to change the amount as it is a text input.

To work around it i used a text:

This worked better but i needed a text input still for the total cost to create the record. Is there a way to hide a text input (i already tried putting the opacity to 0 but it didnt work)

Or would be even better if i could grey out the text input so users cant change the value.

Thank you

Hi @Shohidul :wave:

In Edit Styles Off the Background and Border and change the color to white and try.


Thank you

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Hi! Try to dezactivate Borders, Background of imply, and Text color and placeholder color set opacity to 0. You can minimise the text input very much that the user can’t see it.

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Hi guys,

That worked.



Great and Your Welcome!

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