Hi there! I’m new in Adalo, hope you can help me to find the right way to do the below.
I have a collection of items with Achieved_at (date) as one of the properties.
Want to have something like history page when you can see all your items grouped by this date.
I can sort the list by Acheived_at, but can’t see how to group by.
I attached screenshot of how I want this to be for better understanding
Hi Colin, sorry for the late reply.
I’m trying to implement what you’ve advised and got into a problem with dates again.
I have text field with Magic words for achieved_at “1 day ago”, and the same filter by achieved_at “1 day ago” for list of records. And I can’t understand why the dates are not matching.
Today is 29th, so I day ago is 28th. That’s ok in the text field, but not ok in the list. Please find screens attached